The worlds first 64bit video game system console. Released 1993. Very unsuccessful dispite stylish black and red appearnce and 64bit power.
Atari's final console and just as successful as the previous two(5200 & 7800). Made in the USA... Insert joke here. Atari Jaguar had less than 60 cartridge games made for it from 1993-1996 when atari pulled the plug.
Atari Jaguar sufferd from horrible and pathetic first party support and almost no third party support. Shame too. The Jaguar had the power to be a contender but failed for he reasons above.
Sega Genesis has 16bits.
Panasonic 3do has 32bits.
But Atari Jaguar has a total of 64bits!
Jaguar. Jaguar! JAGUAR!!!!